Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fiction packet 3

I found the stories within the fiction packet to be interesting. They all seemed o be very discriptive. I felt as though I was in the stories as I was reading them. They gave off very powerful words to help get into your imagination.

One particular story, when it rains it rains a river , I found to be a nice store. It kept repeating the word mud. Mud was in my head long after I finished reading the story. It's also used the words we and us alot.

Overall, I think that the stories in the fiction packet 3 were nice. They really helped me to see a way to grab readers attention by repeating certain and helping them understand the concept of my fiction story.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Within the wreckage of reason I found a passage that's titled word. It liked this passaged because I was showing how one word led to something else. For example the word Word was simply turned into the word world by just adding the L. The author even changed the word around to spell the word drow. It shows how creative you could get with the simplest words.

The passage titled Numbers, I found that one to be a bit confusing. The title says numbers and it starts off with numbers but as it goes along I get lost and I have no idea what I have just read.

Lastly, I'm not too sure of how I should feel about the passes Intuition. That was just plain old weird. Now, I'm not too sure what to expect from the rest of the passages as I read the titles. It's quite a few sexual things in here. It's pretty strange to have a student come grope you I. The dark within you own privacy. I didn't like it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fiction Packet

I liked the fiction packet, i thought it was interesting, i found it to be very descriptive. I found A House of My Own to be very interesting. this is because if was so short yet descriptive enough to understand what the writer wanted to say.

I found the very last line to stand out the most. it was  expressing how the author imagined there house to be.  it stated "Only a house quiet as snow , a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem" i can fathom the author's idea clearly.

with that being said, i found all of the fiction stories to be nice. I felt as though i connected more with A House of my own. i felt as though me and the author shared similar desires. this is why i connected more to this poem. .

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I found the Lamott packet to being interesting. I liked in the beginning how he said 'writing a first draft is very much like watching a Polaroid develop'. I like how he used that as a metaphor. It really showed how first draft may come out any way. You can control a first draft, it can be what ever you desire.

Also, Lamott explained that the you should know your characters very well in order to develop a Polaroid the way that you want it to be. You want to give full details of your character. Every little detail counts. Anything from the way that they stand to the way that they smell.

The plot of your story is also very important. The purpose of the plot is to make the story sound really  good and to have the readers wanting more. But still. According to Lamott , he prefers that the characters be the most important in a story. He says 'focus on character'.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Creative Writing Blog

I found last week's class to be very interesting. i liked how we started off with sharing out poems with one another in a small group of people. it really helped me to build confidence slowly but surely.

I believe that this week's class period would be better becuase we are going to have to have the whole class evaluate our poem. Due to the workshop of last week, i am sure that i would be more at ease this week.

For my poem choice, i chose something simple to share with the class. I like simple. Simple best describes me all of the way. When i write i tent to make it short and simple. I think that i do this in fear if my writing being too much and or drifting off topic.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Highlighted Terms

In regards to the terms that were listed in the syllabus. I happen to find a poem that had a line related to simile poems. the poem was from the poetry packet and it was from the last poem from the bottom. It is called Geology of water. The line say "a man made out of water whose words arise like bubbles".

I chose this line because it was a perfect exam of a Simile poem. I think that i would have to say that i like simile poems the most because i like the idea of using metaphors. I think that the act of using metaphors makes the poems much more interesting.

Although Haiku Poems wernt mentioned in the terms, i like those too. I like haiku poems because they are of nature. You can write a poem of what you see nature as. There is really no dead end and you could just keep going on and on when it comes to the kind of poems.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

City Eclogue

I found City Eclogue to be very interesting. Some stories i could not get into and some i found very pleasing and easy to comprehend. In fact, i even laughed within myself as i read some of them. They all have their own sense of meaning.

I had a favorite sonnect within the book and it is on page 113. the tittle of it is The "States as Body " Aspect of Eunuch Rule. I really liked this one because i found it very easy to understand, as i was reading the sonnet i felt myself acting it out in my head. it was very easy to imagine and fathom what was going on.My favorite of this sonnet was the ending and it states "and not this absence i will kill to mate".

I really liked the ending part of this particular sonnet because i can understand their passion about sex. They are explaining in depth of how much they love sex and i can see that. It is something that this person is very passionate about. Also, in the beginning, i notice that the author states "I want to kill for my incapacity to feel". I think that this means that if they were not able to feel sex they are just as good as dead. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Goldberg & Poetry Packet

My favorite writing was from the second Goldberg packet. I liked the baking a cake. Here is one of Goldberg's saying "You put them in a bowl and mix them up, but this does not make a cake". This was my favorite because you can have everything you need but you have to put them together and make it work for what you want it to.

Also, my second favorite saying from Baking a Cake is "You must add the heat and energy of your heart". This means that you have to go into to details and not just brush the surface of the subject but you should digg deeper. Explain all of the characteristics of the subject to make it more realistic.

The poetry packet on the other hand was hard for me to get into. Maybe its just me but I find it hard to get into. I really can not understand the readings it. I know that the writer/authors are trying to making us see something but I'm just not seeing the whole picture. I believe that I need to expand my mind a little more.